This past week cherish was not on my mind
In starting this Love Dare turned inward challenge, I swore I would be open and honest to my readers. Well, that makes this cherish post pretty hard to write. This past week, you may notice, my posts have been few and far between. Okay, they are non-existent. I just checked the dates. Yes, seven days passed since my last post. I want to say life got in the way, but back to the honesty thing, I didn’t want to perform today’s reading or challenge.
“Husbands ought also to love their wives So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.” Ephesians 5:28 KJV
This challenge is difficult, not because I don’t know how to love my wife, but that I don’t know how to love myself. the main focus of this chapter is to love your spouse without any expectations, yes including sexual expectations. To flip this on me, I am to love myself just for being me. God gave us many choices on this earth. But one he didn’t give us is who we are. Sure, we can change many aspects about who we are, but at a core, we are who we were created to be. For me, unfortunately, the debris of my past covers who I am.
A week-long challenge
This challenge isn’t supposed to be a week, but that is how long it took me to understand that I am allowed to cherish myself. Here is the problem. God created me as a big-hearted, loving individual who literally feels pain when injustice is dished out right in front of me. I see these same traits in my youngest daughter, Emily. Randomly I find her throughout the day hurt from her caring for others. I remember this from my childhood as well. So how do I make sure she doesn’t suffer the same ramifications my life gave me.
This morning it all came together. I sat her down at the table and told her that her desire to love others and ensure they are doing well is her superpower. However, while watching Smallville, we learn that superpowers first need to be understood, controlled and then we can use them for good. Also, sometimes in that process we are vulnerable to pain. I finished with letting her know that her parents are here and ready to help her with her super power. I felt like I was talking to myself. She ended the conversation with “God told you to say that, didn’t he?” She’s not wrong.
Did I learn anything?
Life has taken many opportunities to sling mud in my direction. Sadly, I haven’t always known how to handle it. My superpower didn’t become a focus of refinement until my late 20’s. That being said, God hasn’t slacked on teaching me ways to remove the mud with the help of my wife and friends. No, I am not clean. As a matter of fact, there is still enough mud on myself to prevent even the idea of daily cherishing to be a real part of my life. Just get a peek inside my daily meditating and you’ll understand.
But as I teach my daughter how to hone her skills and use her kindness for more good than self-deprecation, then I can cherish the me that God created. The challenge for me today is to sincerely tell myself that I am cherished. I am not able to do this with sincerity, but I will do it anyway and keep doing it until sincerity is just the beginning.
Have you ever wanted to be a copywriter or looking for a side-hustle? Check out Nicki’s page. She got me started down this amazing journey.
Erase Shame Between the Sheets!
Sex is often seen as a taboo subject, which is why we must start the conversation to remove the false stigmas.
Check out Jessica B. and her lotions, potions and things that go buzz in the night!
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